Bicicleta indoor sb3 magnetic bh fitness

La bicicleta indoor SB3 Magnetic BH Fitness es una bicicleta de alta calidad, perfecta para el entrenamiento en casa. Con una resistencia magnética de 8 niveles, esta bicicleta es ideal para todos los niveles de fitness. El asiento y el manillar se pueden ajustar para adaptarse a cualquier altura, y la bicicleta viene con pedales de seguridad para un entrenamiento seguro y cómodo. La bicicleta también tiene ruedas para facilitar el traslado, y es compatible con pedales de clips para un entrenamiento más avanzado.

La bicicleta indoor SB3 Magnetic BH Fitness es una gran opción para cualquier persona que busque una bicicleta de calidad para el entrenamiento en casa. Con una resistencia magnética de 8 niveles, asiento y manillar ajustables, y ruedas para facilitar el traslado, esta bicicleta tiene todas las características necesarias para un entrenamiento eficaz y seguro.

Listado top ventas para Bicicleta indoor sb3 magnetic bh fitness

En esta enumeración podrás encontrar multitud de artículos como bicicleta indoor sb3 magnetic bh fitness perfectos para el cuidado de tu rutina de entrenamiento. Toma conocimiento de que para encontrar un montón de opciones para obtener lo mejor para tus rutinas de entrenamiento, te encuentras en uno de los mejores sitios web del mercado.

Capital Sports Evo Race - bicicletas estaticas, Bicicleta estática, bici estatica, Carga máx. 120 kg, Resistencia magnética continua, Volante de aluminio, Sillín ajustable, Ruedas transporte, Negro

Capital Sports Evo Race - bicicletas estaticas, Bicicleta estática, bici estatica, Carga máx. 120 kg, Resistencia magnética continua, Volante de aluminio, Sillín ajustable, Ruedas transporte, Negro

  • FITNESS EN CASA: Con la CS Evo Race Indoor Bike bicicleta estática obtienes la tecnología de fitness HiLevel de los conocidos recorridos de bicicleta indoor directamente a tu casa. Ahora puedes dar un paso adelante y alejarte de las calorías en cualquier momento.
  • ENTRENAMIENTO PERFECTO: Para un entrenamiento perfecto en el rango de pulso ideal, se incluye también un cinturón de pulso Bluetooth en el volumen de suministro, que facilita el mantenimiento del rango de carga ideal -bicicleta plegable estatica adulto.
  • BANDA DE PULSOS: bici estática pequeña con la banda de pulsos incluida transmite sus datos de rendimiento a través de Bluetooth directamente a las aplicaciones de fitness de su smartphone o tableta.
  • SMART TV: Se puede divertir aún más durante el entrenamiento conectándose a una SmartTV - bicicleta estatica casa.
  • CONDUCCIÓN VIRTUAL: mini bicicleta estatica plegable - No sólo se transmitirán y evaluarán los datos de rendimiento como la velocidad, el pulso o la distancia recorrida, sino que también se controlará directamente la conducción virtual.
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BH Fitness Tokio H9181 Ciclismo Indoor magnetico para Uso intensivo. Sistema de inercia de 20 Kg. Manillar de Triatlón y Pedales Mixtos

BH Fitness Tokio H9181 Ciclismo Indoor magnetico para Uso intensivo. Sistema de inercia de 20 Kg. Manillar de Triatlón y Pedales Mixtos

  • Bicicleta de ciclismo indoor con un sistema inercial de 20 Kg. Para sesiones de entrenamiento exigentes de hasta 3 horas diarias
  • Peso maximo recomendado del usuario: 130 Kg
  • El manillar y el sillin pueden ser ajustados con precisión milímetrica permitiendo así encontrar la posición pefecta y evitando lesiones provocadas por posiciones forzosas
  • Monitor con pantalla LCD que indica tiempo transcurrido, velocidad/RPM, distancia recorrida, ODO, calorias, pulsaciones, vatios. Transmissión por correa Poly-V, silenciosa, suave y eficaz.
  • Dimensiones y peso del producto: 119 x 52 x 126 cm. Peso: 39 Kg. Con ruedines que faciltan el desplazamiento dentro del domicilio
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BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Stratos

BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Stratos

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    BH Fitness Bicicleta de Ciclo Indoor SB Mag con freno magnético, Volante de 20kgs y uso intensivo

    BH Fitness Bicicleta de Ciclo Indoor SB Mag con freno magnético, Volante de 20kgs y uso intensivo

    • 🔹 FRENO MAGNÉTICO: Pedaleo suave y silencioso en todos los niveles de frenada. Resistencia magnética que te permitirá regular la intensidad del entrenamiento de forma progresiva.
    • 🔹 Diseñada para USO DOMÉSTICO INTENSIVO, permite realizar entrenamientos de entre 7 y 20 horas a la semana.
    • 🔹 La Bicicleta de Ciclismo Indoor BH SB Mag destaca por su VOLANTE DE INERCIA DE 20 kg y su silencioso sistema de transmisión mediante correa poly-V.
    • 🔹 PEDALIER REFORZADO para los cilcistas más exigentes que necesitan realizar sesiones largas de entrenamiento indoor. Bicicleta de indoor diseñada para aquellos que buscan realismo y precisión. Permite ajustar la altura y la posición del sillín, así como la del manillar. Podrás rodar igual que en la bici de carretera.
    • 🔹 MANILLAR ERGONÓMICO DE TRIATLÓN con microajuste vertical para proporcionar el máximo confort mientras realizas tus entrenamientos. Medición de pulso inalámbrica de 5 kHz con banda de pecho (opcional). Monitor LCD muy fácil de utilizar: Controla tu velocidad, RPM, calorías consumidas, distancia recorrida, el tiempo de entrenamiento y el ritmo cardiaco de forma sencilla.
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    BH Fitness KHRONOS 10005713 Ciclismo indoor a fricción - 20 Kg - Freno de emergencia - Manillar de triatlón

    BH Fitness KHRONOS 10005713 Ciclismo indoor a fricción - 20 Kg - Freno de emergencia - Manillar de triatlón

    • Bicicleta Ciclismo Indoor BH Khronos Diseñada para uso doméstico regular de entre 3 y 7 horas a la semana, Volante de inercia de 20 kg, Regulador de resistencia manual microajustable con frenos de zapata, Freno de emergencia Permite detener la inercia del volante en unos instantes en cualquier momento
    • Sistema de transmisión mediante correa poly-V. Asegura un pedaleo silencioso Monitor LCD Controla tu velocidad, RPM, calorías consumidas, distancia recorrida y el tiempo
    • Cuadro de acero muy robusto, Patas ajustables, Sillín anatómico y manillar ajustables , Manillar de triatlón, El pie irá bien sujeto al pedal gracias al calapié ajustable., Portabidones integrado, Ruedas de transporte
    • Peso: 43 Kg. Peso máximo del usuario: 105 Kg. Dimensiones (L x An x Al): 104 cm x 52 cm x 119 cm.
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    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Sb2.2

    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Sb2.2

    • 🔹 Volante inercia de 20kg para un pedaleo estable.
    • 🔹 Regulación de la intensidad de frenada con sistema de fricción y bloqueo de emergencia para un pedaleo suave y silencioso
    • 🔹 Monitor LCD multifunción. Uso muy sencillo. Muestra tiempo, calorías y distancia.
    • 🔹 Solida estructura reforzada que permite su uso a usuarios de hasta 105kg.
    • 🔹 Ruedas de transporte para mayor comodidad.
    • 🔹 Peso máximo de usuario recomendado 105Kg
    • 🔹 Tipo de freno Fricción
    • 🔹 MANILLAR DE TRIATLÓN: Proporciona una postura aerodinamica, perfecta para tus sesiones de entrenamiento
    • 🔹 Dimensiones: 104 x 52 x 119 cm
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    BH Fitness MKT Jet Bike Bicicleta Unisex, Multicolor, Talla Única

    BH Fitness MKT Jet Bike Bicicleta Unisex, Multicolor, Talla Única

    • Avanzada bicicleta indoor de BH fitness, con un cuidado diseño ergonómico
    • Mando de regulación incorpora de resistencia con freno de emergencia
    • El monitor electro nico permite controlar tus sesiones de ejercicio de una forma sencilla y eficaz
    • talla Única
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    BH Fitness Bicicleta de ciclismo indoor RDX1.1 H9179 Volante trasero y freno a fricción. Inercia 20 Kg. Uso intensivo. Manillar de triatlón

    BH Fitness Bicicleta de ciclismo indoor RDX1.1 H9179 Volante trasero y freno a fricción. Inercia 20 Kg. Uso intensivo. Manillar de triatlón

    • 🚩 ¡Bienvenid@ al futuro! La RDX 1.1 tiene un moderno e impactante diseño combinado con un volante de inercia de 20 Kg que permite sesiones de entrenamiento de alta intensidad en casa.
    • 🚩 FRENO DE FRICCIÓN: El sistema de freno de fricción permite llevar a cabo entrenamientos intensos
    • 🚩 SISTEMA INERCIAL TRASERO : Disfruta con la única ciclo indoor de BH con volante de inercia trasero y las nuevas sensaciones durante el entrenamiento.
    • 🚩 SELECTOR DE INTENSIDAD: Elige la intensidad de tu ejercicio: 8 niveles y una selección precisa de intensidad
    • 🚩 MULTIAJUSTES: Ajustes multiposición tanto en el sillín como en el manillar para entrenar en la mejor postura
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    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Sb2.6

    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Sb2.6

    • Volante inercia de 22kg para un pedaleo estable.
    • Regulación de la intensidad de frenada con sistema de fricción y bloqueo de emergencia para un pedaleo suave y silencioso.
    • Monitor LCD multifunción. Uso muy sencillo. Muestra RPM, tiempo, calorías, distancia, hora y pulso.
    • Solida estructura reforzada que permite su uso a usuarios de hasta 105kg.
    • Ruedas de transporte para mayor comodidad.
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    BH Fitness - EVO - B2600A VELBOS- Bicicleta estática con pulsómetro incorporado y pantalla LCD - Edición exclusiva

    BH Fitness - EVO - B2600A VELBOS- Bicicleta estática con pulsómetro incorporado y pantalla LCD - Edición exclusiva

    • PERFECTA PARA UN USO OCASIONAL: La bicicleta EVO B2600 está diseñada para entrenamientos ocasionales de entre 1 y 3 horas semanales. Un ejercicio de 20 minutos diarios te ayudará a llevar una vida más sana y activa.
    • MONITOR CON PANTALLA LCD: Controla de un solo vistazo en el monitor de tu bicicleta, los datos de tus entrenamientos. Podrás ver las calorías, la distancia recorrida, el pulso, el tiempo que llevas entrenando y la velocidad a la que pedaleas.
    • TÚ ELIGES LA INTENSIDAD DEL ENTRENAMIENTO: Regula de forma manual hasta 8 niveles de intensidad con el pomo incorporado en el mástil de la bicicleta, totalmente accesible durante el entrenamiento para que no pares de pedalear.
    • MEDICIÓN DE PULSO POR CONTACTO: Coloca las manos sobre el sensor de pulso del manillar y controla tu ritmo cardíaco durante el entrenamiento. Podrás llevar un control total sin sobreesfuerzos.
    • MICROAJUSTES PARA UN ENTRENAMIENTO MÁS CÓMODO: Antes de empezar a pedalear, podrás ajustar el sillín, tanto horizontal como verticalmente; el manillar, de manera rotacional; y los pedales, ajustando la correa de los calapies para tener los pies bien sujetos.
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    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor sb3 Magnetic

    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor sb3 Magnetic

    • Volante inercia de 18kg para un pedaleo estable.
    • Regulación de la intensidad de frenada con sistema de fricción y bloqueo de emergencia para un pedaleo suave y silencioso.
    • Monitor LCD multifunción. Uso muy sencillo. Muestra RPM, tiempo, calorías, distancia y pulso.
    • Solida estructura reforzada que permite su uso a usuarios de hasta 110kg.
    • Ruedas de transporte para mayor comodidad.
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    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Duke mag

    BH Fitness - Bicicleta Indoor Duke mag

    • Volante inercia de 20kg para un pedaleo estable.
    • Freno magnético con selector de 16 niveles y freno de emergencia
    • Chasis de acero protegido con un tratamiento anti-corrosión.
    • Solida estructura reforzada que permite su uso a usuarios de hasta 115kg.
    • Ruedas de transporte para mayor comodidad.
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    BH Hipower - Bicicleta Indoor Duke Electronic

    BH Hipower - Bicicleta Indoor Duke Electronic

    • Volante inercia de 20kg para un pedaleo estable.
    • Regulación de la intensidad de frenada con sistema de fricción y bloqueo de emergencia para un pedaleo suave y silencioso.
    • Monitor LCD multifunción. Uso muy sencillo. Muestra RPM, tiempo, calorías, distancia y pulso.
    • Solida estructura reforzada que permite su uso a usuarios de hasta 115kg.
    • Ruedas de transporte para mayor comodidad.
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    Leatt Magnetic Hood Replacement Magnet (4 PK) - Negro - One Size, Negro

    Leatt Magnetic Hood Replacement Magnet (4 PK) - Negro - One Size, Negro

    Leatt Magnetic Hood Replacement Magnet (4 PK)Designed to run with Leatt’s 3.0, 40 and 5.0 DBX Jacket range, the Magnetic Hood Replacement Magnet attaches to your helmet and ensures you can clip your hood over the top of your lid should the heavens open and pour rain on your session.Features:Magnetic Hood Replacement Magnet (4 PK)Buy Leatt from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 44, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 44, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 39, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 39, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 47.3, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 47.3, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 45.3, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 45.3, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 42, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 42, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 41, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 41, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 46, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 46, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 40, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 40, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 43, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes AW21 - Negro - EU 43, Negro

    Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle ShoesFrom pushing your fitness at a gym spin-bike session to hitting training goals on your own home trainer, the Northwave Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes deliver the finest level of performance and comfort. There's nothing better than an intense indoor training session for focused fitness gains. But it can be a hot and sweaty affair, and your feet don't miss out on the moisture build-up. But here is where the Active Indoor Training Cycle Shoes excel. Thanks to a lightweight breathable upper, with copious mesh inserts, ventilation is outstanding and your skin can breathe easily, leaving your feet fresh and always ready for more.To get a sleek and snug fit, the Active shoes make use of wide hook and loop straps. These minimise bulk while allowing you to get a secure fit that holds your feet firm for smooth and efficient pedalling. A heel loop is also included, making it easy to pull your shoes on. Talking of efficient pedalling, the sole unit is designed to ensure excellent power transfer to the pedals, ideal for those higher-intensity efforts but comfortable for steadier riding too. The non-marking rubber sole is suitable for indoor use too, ensuring no marks on gym floors or parquet. Cleat GuidanceThese indoor cycling shoes are compatible with MTB style pedal systems, which use cleats with SPD standard (2-bolt standard), e.g.: Shimano SPD, Time ATAC, CrankBrothers, CrankBrothers Race, Look MTB, Xtreme MTB, Wellgo MTB, Ritchey MTB. Features:Lightweight upper with a breathable construction and mesh insertsHook and loop closure - two straps, plus a heel strap for excellent adjustment and a more controlled fitReinforced heel for greater protectionMade of non-marking rubber, suitable for indoor use to avoid leaving traces on the floor or parquetSole compatible with SPD pedals (plate/cleats not included)Buy Northwave Footwear from Chain Reaction Cycles, the World's Largest Online Bike Store.
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    Imágenes de Bicicleta indoor sb3 magnetic bh fitness

    Te mostramos aquí una galería de imágenes de bicicleta indoor sb3 magnetic bh fitness para que te hagas una idea y puedas escoger entre todos los tipos de producto para tu bienestar. Pincha con el ratón en una de las imágenes para ver la ficha entera del producto y su precio.

    Capital Sports Evo Race - bicicletas estaticas, Bicicleta estática, bici estatica, Carga máx. 120 kg, Resistencia magnética continua, Volante de aluminio, Sillín ajustable, Ruedas transporte, Negro
    Capital Sports Evo Race - bicicletas estaticas, Bicicleta estática, bici estatica, Carga máx. 120 kg, Resistencia magnética continua, Volante de aluminio, Sillín ajustable, Ruedas transporte, Negro
    Capital Sports Evo Race - bicicletas estaticas, Bicicleta estática, bici estatica, Carga máx. 120 kg, Resistencia magnética continua, Volante de aluminio, Sillín ajustable, Ruedas transporte, Negro
    Capital Sports Evo Race - bicicletas estaticas, Bicicleta estática, bici estatica, Carga máx. 120 kg, Resistencia magnética continua, Volante de aluminio, Sillín ajustable, Ruedas transporte, Negro
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    BH Fitness Tokio H9181 Ciclismo Indoor magnetico para Uso intensivo. Sistema de inercia de 20 Kg. Manillar de Triatlón y Pedales Mixtos
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